Distance Beauty Healing


Diet Healing


•I received treatment on my underbust, waist, and lower abdomen. The next morning, my waist was 0.8 inches smaller and my lower abdomen was 1.2 inches smaller. During the healing session, I felt my stomach gurgling and could sense the energy working on me.


During the healing session, my body felt warm and comfortable, and I fell into a deep sleep. The next day, I noticed a decrease in my weight.


My midsection, which I was concerned about, became more toned.


My body felt warm, and the next day I had more bowel movements than usual.


Every time I receive healing, my food intake decreases. I feel full with smaller portions and no longer crave junk food like I used to.


I struggled to trim down my upper arms, lower abdomen, and thighs, but thanks to the Diet Healing, they've tightened up beautifully. During the session, I felt a comforting warmth in my body, lulling me into a peaceful sleep. The next morning, I noticed increased urination, indicating a detoxifying effect.


The warmth and coziness during the healing session made me fall asleep quickly. I could feel my desired areas—thighs and waist—firming up.


I fell asleep while receiving the healing. There wasn't any extreme heat or cold, just a momentary sensation of tightness in my legs. I relaxed and dozed off for about 30 minutes. Interestingly, I felt the left side of my surroundings brighter than the room's light.


My waist tightened, and the stomach-shrinking effect helped me control my appetite better.


I noticed reduced swelling in my body. The next morning, I had more urine than usual, and it was cloudy like after a lymphatic massage. I felt the detoxifying effects.


After the healing, my mind felt clear. I felt motivated to start cleaning my room, something I hadn't felt inclined to do before. Not only did my weight improve, but my mental state stabilized. I wish I had discovered this Diet Healing earlier.